Marble Stone Votive Candle Holders

marble votive candle holders

The most popular types of stone votive candle holders are the ones made up with marble stones which display the grandeur of the white color tone. These marble stone votive candle holders are used for prayers and offerings and as home décor items as well.


Because these candle holders look subtle but splendid as well, it makes them eligible for home décor items that give the interiors of the house a top notch look.

Marble is a metamorphic rock formed when limestone is exposed to high temperatures and pressures.

Check out these cute candle holders models:

luxury marble holder
Luxury marble holders
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Marble holder

White Marble

With the white stone’s magnificence and the lines of various colors running through, they are stunning additions to your home décor collections that turn out to be the wow factor for anyone visiting your house.

luxury white marble holder
white marble holders
variety marble holders
White marble set


Mostly made in cylindrical or as block shaped votive candle holders, the marble stones are carved out and then polished to form a uniform layered surface both inside and out.

marble holders

sphere marble
Sphere holder

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Decor Ideas

Let’s see some amazing marble candle holder decoration ideas:

onyx marble set
Onyx marble set

DIY Candle Holder

Check out this video for more ideas and learn how to make a beautiful marble candle holder:

Mostly displayed at cathedrals and houses as home décor products, these marble stone votive candle holders attract every onlooker with their alluring charm.

Avatar for Bethany James

Bethany James

Dog mom. Independent woman. Lover of life. I’m a firm believer that one shouldn’t simply wait around for opportunities to appear, they should be created. Writing is an expression of the soul, so let me share my soul with you!

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